to Enjoy some time Together!
SIXTH TRUST meeting of New Bombay Rotary Charitable Trust is schedu. . .
Agenda: 1. To evaluate the election process of the RCNM President . . .
Musical Night Attendance
Agenda: 1. To discuss the fund raising event overall collections a. . .
Agenda: 1. To go over the roles and responsibilities at the event . . .
Agenda: 1. Ticket distribution to all members/non members 2. Fin. . .
1. Ticket segregation for Members/Non Members 2. Event Management . . .
Agenda 1. Ticket packing 2. Event Responsibilities 3. Bus arran. . .
to discuss about the fund raiser
to visit and welcome the DG Nominee Designate
Potential Future project for the Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai as a Br. . .
to visit and learn about the TRF and also to receive the awards fro. . .
Agenda: 1. To discuss about the status of the fund Raising event o. . .
for discussions on Fund Raiser
to discuss about the Fund Raiser on 11th Dec at Nehru Centre, Worli
Agenda: Closed Door Meeting starting 6.15pm Partners in service . . .
Agenda: 1. To discuss on OCV on 8th Nov 2. To discuss matters on . . .
Agenda: 1. To discuss Ticket sales position 2. To discuss and ra. . .