Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai - Rotary India

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Total Services 42
Family Night 31st Dec

to Enjoy some time Together!

Trust Meeting

SIXTH TRUST meeting of New Bombay Rotary Charitable Trust is schedu. . .

Regular Meeting with Rotractors of Saraswati Col.

Agenda: 1. To evaluate the election process of the RCNM President . . .

To Attend Fund raiser of RCNM Hillside

Musical Night Attendance

Regular Meeting

Agenda: 1. To discuss the fund raising event overall collections a. . .

Fund Raiser Final Meeting

Agenda: 1. To go over the roles and responsibilities at the event . . .

Fund Raiser Meeting

Agenda: 1. Ticket distribution to all members/non members 2. Fin. . .

Fund raiser Meeting

1. Ticket segregation for Members/Non Members 2. Event Management . . .

Fund Raiser Meeting

Agenda 1. Ticket packing 2. Event Responsibilities 3. Bus arran. . .

Fund Raising Meeting

to discuss about the fund raiser

To visit and Welcome the DGND 26-27 Chandrahas

to visit and welcome the DG Nominee Designate

Fund Raising Meeting

to discuss about the fund raiser

To Attend the Brainline Seminar

Potential Future project for the Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai as a Br. . .

Visit to TRF Seminar

to visit and learn about the TRF and also to receive the awards fro. . .

Regular Meeting

Agenda: 1. To discuss about the status of the fund Raising event o. . .

Fund Raising Meeting

for discussions on Fund Raiser

Fund Raising Meeting

to discuss about the Fund Raiser on 11th Dec at Nehru Centre, Worli

Official Club Visit (OCV) of District Governor

Agenda: Closed Door Meeting starting 6.15pm Partners in service . . .


Agenda: 1. To discuss on OCV on 8th Nov 2. To discuss matters on . . .

Fund Raising Meeting #4

Agenda: 1. To discuss Ticket sales position 2. To discuss and ra. . .